"Celebration" was released in 1989 as a 7" single by the now defunct Front Music Production, a Swedish indie label which someone may remember for having released other Scandinavian electronic artists, such as Cat Rapes Dog or Inside Treatment.
"Celebration" was recorded under the name Sepülchre Inc., a previous incarnation of XXX Atomic Toejam that included, beside P. Marklund and F. Thordendal, also Rolf Hedqvist and Roger Nyberg. The 7" single was the only release under that name, now long out of print. The song can be found inside a few samplers, such as "Vital Energy" (Energy Rekords - 1993).
"Celebration" is a typical EBM song of the 1980s and a minor European dance floor hit back in the days. It's still played from time to time in a few German and Scandinavian clubs.
Enjoy guys.
Style: EBM
Country: Sweden
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